Monday, June 22, 2009

Layover near Buffalo

Hi, yesterday was a fine ride. Actually had been scheduled for 75 miles but decided that 56 was enough, especially after the ride in the rain the day before. We had good weather afterall, just a little mist now and then.

A couple of things to fix early on, chain adjustments, brake adjustments, another flat. I think we have almost filled our quota on that stuff, so pretty soon we'll have no more of that (do you believe me?; you shouldn't).

I am finally breaking down today and buying a pair of legitimate bike shorts with the padded butt. Looks like the trikes are still a few days off, we are now looking at Sandusky, OH and the pick up point. That being the case, I thought that some amenities were in order, hence the shorts and I am also going to put the clip pedals on the cycle that I am riding - enough of this toughing it out!

We are staying with friends outside of Buffalo, which is fabulous for all the reasons that you could think of. Karina just woke up (a little after 9), I have been up since 6 or so (my clock has apparently reset itself to early mode).

We'll take it slow this morning, then it's off to Niagara Falls for the rest of the day. Looks like it should be fine weather.

About the end of the day yesterday Karina announced that I was torturing her as we had to ride past a carnival in Stafford without stopping, immediately followed by passing a mini-golf place! Not sure that qualifies as serious torture, but perhaps minor.

The ride from Canandaigua was much more uphill than I was expecting (any of us). Seemed like we spent the majority of the day going up, even though I know that is not really possible. Anyhow, the combination of the day before and the drain of what seemed like endless hills minus the fun of the fast cruises downhill, made for a harder day. Having said that, we still put in over 50 miles and there was no mutany (maybe a slight boycott). We are all glad to not be on the cycles today!

Tomorrow we cross the bridge into Canada for the remainder of the week.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to follow you on google maps. Hows the legs holding out. Should be nice along the lake.
