Saturday, August 8, 2009

not in Kansas anymore

Overcast, cool, no real wind; great day to cycle in western Nevada. Ah,well, almost.

When biking it comes down to the road. RT 95 heading south from Fallon is crap for a bike. New road, ruined by the combination of being a truck route to Las Vegas and, worse than that, with the shoulders fully lined with these ground out "rumble strips" which leaves minimal riding room for a bike, and insufficient room for a trike. The net result being short stints on the highway before stopping, crossing the strip, and waiting for trucks to pass. Always looking behind and stopping is even less fun than a headwind; made about 45 miles before stopping where we are now, just outside of a small town called Schurs.

Whlie getting lunch (4pm) at the one store, we met Dave, a great fellow who offered to have us camp on his family ranch, 22 acre island in the midst of the Walker Indian Reservation. And, to give us a lift in his truck to Hawthorn in the AM!

Karina helped him clean some catfish, then got to settle in for a couple of movies watched from the tent on Dave's tv that he perched on the picnic table next to the tent. I talked with Dave, worked on the bikes, and took a shower from a hose set up in an old garage. Beautiful sunset.

The "not in Kansas" bit refers to the coyotes that are howling all around even as I write this! Real West, not like the casinos or RV parks, but like real. It's kind of goose bump-ish, in the same way as listening to loons on a quiet lake in Canada. Though loons don't sniff around your tent or have teeth.

Quiet again now, I'm going back to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. dude and dudette
    I took some time to track you on google earth. I'm not sure you are still on planet earth! What a strange place Hawthorn Nv is. Particularly the area called Walker Lake valley. It must be the Res. because I can't imagine any one living there unless forced to. What looks like barrics lined up on a grid in the middle of the desert with out a tree or bump. Through out the valley around Hawthorn is what looks like empty subdivisons. From google earth it looks like empty lots. It's a ghost town. Not a car in any driveway or road. If google earth was real time , I could see you biking down the road! Get out of there quick, I think it's an alien landing site!
    My guess is you 'll take rt 6 and 395 into Yosemite. Lots of campgrounds along there and looks like beautiful county even before you get to the park Enjoy the ride. Wind at your back
