Saturday, July 11, 2009

Being lucky with weather

Able to check out the weather channel and things look much better for us than predicted
Some thunderstorms this morning are possible, but it looks like we'll have cloud cover. So we dodge the really hot stuff for another day. Sunday? We'll see!
Karina is still sound asleep. We decided to lose a layover day in order to lower the mileage for the next couple of days. We still have two long rides this week, but are hoping that the shift of days will qork in our favor. Next non-riding day is not till CO, five more days.
Today's ride is in the 60 mile range, so we'll take a little more time getting going so Karina can rest. No kidding this is hard work, but "She goes, she goes, faster than an arrow from the Tartar's bow."
More later


  1. Yo Feit!! Keep pushing; Colorado is an incredible place and you should see some great scenery. I'm not sure where Ponch Springs is but on your schedule it states that the elevation is 81,242 feet. Seems kind of high even for the Rockies. Have fun with that one. Keep on kicking ass!!!

    Scott R.

  2. Yeah, that was a typo! We are headed over Momarch Pass 11,300', that"ok do! Oh man is of hot ! The name of the town is supposed to be Poncha Springs and it is just to the East side of the pass. Email me your cell number.
